Our Products


Simple, fast and

accurate naadi yantra

With SaNaaY, anyone can take Naadi
Pariksha, You get accurate results in 30 secs,
there is a low upfront and low running cost.

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A personalized beauty

and care brand

Discover Ayurvedic wellness tailored to your
body type. Our senior Ayurvedic doctors
formulate products, including personalized
fragrances, for an individualized experience.

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Mind-Body balance

 30-second camera-based pulse assessment measures your wellness index.

Personalized recommendations

Know your ideal yoga, pranayama, food, and herbs.

Ayurveda community

Share your wellness journey with like-minded people.

Selfie video based-pulse assessment

Take a 30-second selfie video and receive personalized results with our premium dosha assessment test

naadi pariksha

Measure blood flow

Complete pulse assessment using finger photo plethysmography via your smart phone camera

Find wellness index

Compute 7 vital signs from the signal and correlate them to Ayurvedic biomarkers to calculate your holistic wellness index

Library of 1800+ home remedies for you!

Over 1800 home remedies for common ailments. Take care of yourself naturally with exclusive tips from the ancient healing science of Ayurveda.

AyuRythm featured on Shark Tank!

Welcome to AyuRythm, where ancient wisdom meets Advanced technology! We are thrilled to announce our pivotal appearance on Shark Tank India Season 1 Episode 31, where our vision for personalized holistic wellness took center stage.

Our Happy Users

“An excellent app which actually connects one to the old age Indian wisdom of Ayurveda and yoga. Very effective and useful for any one who wants to get healthier, naturally”.

“Beautiful app. It helps in knowing your prakruti and current status of tridosha. Congratulations for making such useful app.”

“Great combination of science and Ayurveda. Very interesting concept and a really good app, especially for people leading sedentary lifestyle to analyse their own health & stay fit.”


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Expert Talks

"The Ayurveda knowledge system has discovered key bio-rhythms detectable on the fingertips of experts, that inform of changes in anabolic, metabolic and neurological functions that govern health. Using technology to bring the expertise into an app is complex and challenging."

Padma Shri Prof. Darshan Shankar

Vice Chancellor, Trans-Disciplinary University (TDU)

"First of all heartfelt congratulations for the wonderful work of developing a portable health monitoring app based on traditional knowledge of our country and market traditional knowledge of Ayurveda through a modern app. Drawing from my limited knowledge and understanding of the modern methods, I find that this health kit is a very comprehensive, holistic and compact wellness device to help one make minor adjustments in one's own habits - both food and otherwise to improve and maintain one's own health. As for the contents, I would say that gems from our ancient Ayurvedic medicinal system have been selected which will go a long way in keeping the wellness of whoever uses it! Overall, a good package with a lot of potential in the health care and wellness sector.?? I am sure it will be a popular health support app in the future. May AyuRythm have a long long "Ayu"!?"

TS Kripanidhi, IDAS

"Ayurveda is science of life, a system of health and medicine which aims to assist people with knowledge of how to have a healthy life; and ayurvedic medicine has is its roots in peaceful, spiritual concepts which connect it to a larger philosophy and way of life. Combining modern technology and intelligence with ayurvedic principles will be a resurgence of indigenous knowledge that has transformative potential to heal mental and physical ailments."

John Baby

Founder – Quality Systems and Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore
20 years of medical device research and development experience

“Medical grade wearable coupled with AI and deep learning is the foundation of data driven predictive and prescriptive healthcare. AyuRythm leverages these fundamentals along with age old principles and insights of Ayurvedic science. I see great potential towards holistic and preventive healthcare through this approach.”

Dr Satish P Rath

Director, Healthcare Innovations, Conduent Labs. Leader-Partner , IA&I practice

“AyuRythm truly embodies our Dr. Vaidya's philosophy of New Age Ayurveda. Taking the age old dosha test to a new age format makes it much easier for digital first businesses like ours to connect with our patients in all parts of the country."

Arjun Vaidya

CEO and 6th Generation Vaidya at Dr. Vaidya’s

“AyuRythm is a great tool and guide towards healthy living. This tool not only forewarns you about potential health risk, but also helps in pacifying your individual body imbalances of Vat, Pitta and Kapha thus, protecting you by simply suggesting changes in food, yoga, pranayama, meditation. Home remedies is also a good offering in this solution. I appreciate the team for developing this and wish them success."

Dr Lokesh Kumar Raturi

Veteran Naadi Pariksha and Ayurveda specialist, Sri Sri Ayurveda Trust

"I have used Ayurythm app to evaluate my current health dynamics and found it to be very accurate and in sync to clinical readings by an actual ayurvedic practitioner. Being a health professional myself, I found the predictive analysis of tendency of diseases that I can develop to be highly accurate. And the value of accurate and easy diagnosis is priceless to say the least. The features I was most impressed with are as follows: 1.Instant and accurate nadi pariksha. 2. Home remedies. 3. Highly Curated and customised diet and yogas. I look forward to more from the app"

Dr.Apoorva Joshi

Healthcare consultant, Senior Associate NASSCOM

"यह आयुर्वेदिक पद्दति पर आधारित AyuRythm एप अपने आप में वैज्ञानिक तथ्यों के साथ आपके शारीरिक स्वस्थता का मापदण्ड है। इससे आप घर बैठे स्वयं अपने आपका कभी भी शारीरिक स्वच्छता का परीक्षण कर सकते हैं। सारांश में कहूं तो यह एप बेहतरीन प्रयोग है, स्वयं द्वारा स्वयं के अवलोकन करने का, खुद को परखने का, सोचने का, विचार का, खाने पीने का, शारीरिक प्रक्रियाओं का, तन मन की क्षमता का। एप संदेश देता है कि हम प्रकृति में रहेंगे, तो विकृति नही आएगी, और इसी में हमारी प्रगति है। एप में बताया गया है कि योगा प्रणायाम, उचित व संतुलित खान पान से इसे पुन: संतुलित किया जा सकता है। हमारा जीवन ङ्क्षजदादिल, उत्साह, आनन्द व प्रसन्नता से सराबोर हो उठता है।"

Mahesh Kumar Jain

Deputy News Editor, Rajasthan Patrika, Jaipur

"Wonderful concept and execution. I am teaching pulse Diagnosis for last 27 years and having taught more than 50000 students worldwide. I am associated with BETIC, IIT Bombay, Mumbai for last 6 years involved in developing machines learning for Pulse Diagnosis. Had seen and used many apps in past. Ayurythm is so far the best application in terms of use and accuracy. I am using it to keep a watch on improvement in my patients and in online consultations. Thank you team AyuRythm for the App"

Dr Sanjay Chhajed

BAMS (Pune), Gold Medalist; MD(Ayu), Kayachikitsa, IPGT&R, Jamnagar, Gold Medalist, PGDMLS (Symbiosis), RAS(AAPNA)

" I too am interested in fusing technology with wellness. Reading your website, I see there is potential for using evidence-based and tech-enabled pulse-diagnosis on a smartphone. How cool!"

Faith Miller

Founder and CEO of Yoga With Faith at Yoga With Faith

New Egypt, New Jersey, United States

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