Meet Our Trainers!

Rimpy Mulchandani

Yoga Trainer

A certified Hatha Yoga Instructor with a variety of programs for flexibility, health, body toning, face beauty.

Ronak Gajjar

Yoga Trainer

A 33-year-old Yogi shedding light through 20+ healing modalities and transforming the lives of more than 1 million ‘spiritual-finders’ globally.

Dr. Palak Garg

Health Coach
Lifestyle Expert

An Ayurveda Expert with a modern take on the ancient Indian science. Deals with Chronic Problems.

Meher Kushul Nishangi

Yoga Trainer

An expert yoga professional since 4 years, he continues to spread the joy of yoga and wellness in many lives.

Dr. Sanjaykumar Chhajed

Nadi Guru

Nadi Guru Acharya Sanjaykumar is a double gold medalist Ayurved specialist from India’s most premier Ayurved Institute IPGT & R, Jamnagar.