6 Ayurveda Tips to Care for Your Feet and Hands

6 Ayurveda Tips to Care for Your Feet and Hands

• Massage with warm herbal oils to improve circulation and nourish the skin.• Soak in warm water mixed with salt and lemon juice to remove dirt and soften the skin.• Scrub with a mixture of sugar and coconut oil to exfoliate dead skin cells.• Moisturize regularly with...
8 Ayurveda Tips to Get Relief from Period Cramps

8 Ayurveda Tips to Get Relief from Period Cramps

• Warm sesame oil massage on the lower abdominal area to improve blood circulation and relieve cramps.• Drink warm water mixed with ginger and/or cinnamon to reduce inflammation and provide comfort.• Take a warm bath with Epsom salt to relax the muscles and soothe...