6 Ayurveda Tips to Care for Your Feet and Hands

6 Ayurveda Tips to Care for Your Feet and Hands

• Massage with warm herbal oils to improve circulation and nourish the skin.• Soak in warm water mixed with salt and lemon juice to remove dirt and soften the skin.• Scrub with a mixture of sugar and coconut oil to exfoliate dead skin cells.• Moisturize regularly with...
8 Ayurveda Tips to Get Relief from Period Cramps

8 Ayurveda Tips to Get Relief from Period Cramps

• Warm sesame oil massage on the lower abdominal area to improve blood circulation and relieve cramps.• Drink warm water mixed with ginger and/or cinnamon to reduce inflammation and provide comfort.• Take a warm bath with Epsom salt to relax the muscles and soothe...
6 Wellness Tips for Managing Nausea

6 Wellness Tips for Managing Nausea

Nausea can be a very uncomfortable sensation that can make you feel sick and even prevent you from carrying out your daily activities. Several Wellness Tips You Can Try to Overcome It Stay Hydrated Drinking plenty of water or other clear fluids like Ginger Ale or...
Ayurveda for Stress: Top 5 Ways to Manage it

Ayurveda for Stress: Top 5 Ways to Manage it

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health and wellness that originated in India thousands of years ago. It aims to maintain balance in the body, mind, and spirit by focusing on lifestyle, diet, and the use of natural remedies. Some Key Practices That Can Help to...
How to Maintain Healthy and Glowing Skin?

How to Maintain Healthy and Glowing Skin?

Having healthy and glowing skin is a sign of overall good health and well-being. Unfortunately, factors such as stress, poor diet, and a lack of sleep can all take a toll on the appearance and health of our skin. But don’t worry, there are simple and effective...